TVM (The Triple Vagal Method) is a groundbreaking new somatic trauma transformation method that was designed to heal trauma safely, effectively and rapidly.

TVM is based on the polyvagal theory and aims to release unresolved trauma that is stored in different parts of the body through physical stimulation of the vagus nerve, healing dysregulation and disassociation and restoring a feeling of safety in the body and in the world.

TVM actively engages the nervous system and in particular the vagus nerve that is known and recognized for its key role in understanding and healing trauma. Using this technique, we build neuroplasticity and create new neurological pathways, which result in new positive patterns of behavior.

The imprint and energy of the trauma is processed and released from the body, leading to a shift in emotions, mood and in how we perceive the world. This process can also facilitate profound changes in a person’s physical health.

TVM provides a “dial in” to the autonomic nervous system to facilitate the release of stored incomplete energetic charges, flooding the body with therapeutic levels of oxytocin to create the safety that we need in order to complete the trauma cycles that we have not been able to process in the past.

We generally think of trauma as „big events“. But trauma is not the event itself, it is a reaction in the physiology of a person. The way we process an event determines if and to which degree it becomes traumatic and whether it ends up stuck in our system or not. One and the same situation could be mildly disturbing or frustrating for one person and deeply traumatizing to another – this depends on our sensitivity, resources, our environment and many other factors. A seemingly small incident can cause trauma in a person if it cannot be fully processed in the moment, leaving an incomplete charge in their system. As trauma can happen very early in life or even be passed on from previous generations and is now known to be stored in our cells, tissues and organs, it needs to be addressed by working with the body, not just with the logical mind.

By tuning into the body’s innate wisdom and intelligence, TVM creates profound changes in physical and emotional health as well as in the client’s quality of life. Individuals tap into their natural healing potential and develop a greater sense of safety, regulation and resilience in their daily lives. When this foundation is created, we become our own medicine!