“We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone.”
Marianne Williamson


We are meant to shine and feel good! Bliss and joy are meant to be our natural states and ecstasy our birthright!

But most of us don’t feel ecstatic in our daily lives. There might be pleasure, but often real joy seems far away or it only shows up for a few fleeting moments.

For most of us, it seems that stress, tension, anxiety and agitation are often lingering in the background, ready to grab us as soon as we slow down. Mostly, we are too busy or unwilling to face these unpleasant moments and therefore we look for something – often an activity or substance – that we hope will distract us and make us feel better. Such distractions do nothing more than push the feelings further into the unconscious where they remain as an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction – only arising occasionally when an external situation manifests to mirror these unconscious emotions. And when this happens, they are most often suppressed again.

Choosing Evolution

The truth is, that when we begin to face old emotional patterns that have accumulated inside of us and start to cleanse our bodies and energetic systems of this emotional baggage, a natural high becomes our daily reality. This high is so beautiful and pure that it is not in any way comparable to an experience induced by drugs, but rather manifests as peacefully-embodied ecstasy and clarity – not just as an occasionally altered state but as a new way of being!

A Sweet Revolution

The point is that life can be more ecstatic and orgasmic than you probably ever thought was possible. Most of us have no idea just how good our bodies are designed to feel! Yet, as soon as our fuller energy starts to flow more freely through our system, we begin to experience the real joy, harmony and serenity that is our natural state of being. We become aware that love is not something that must be searched for on the outside but something that is found deep within us all.

But how do we find such a love? How can we experience this kind of transformation?

Spiritual Warrior

There are many powerful methods and practices available to us, and in my coaching, and the Path of Ecstasy Program, I teach the methods that, in my experience, have proven most effective for freeing ourselves from what separates us from our naturally orgasmic nature of being.

I am offering regular coaching online and in-person, as either single sessions or as coaching packages, and will additionally recommend practices and experiences specifically for you to start by yourself at home, or to book with me or another practitioner. These tools include Tantric Yoga, Tantric practices and rituals, breathing techniques, meditation, work with the cacao plant and many more beautiful methods that I have discovered in the journey of my own spiritual exploration and training. My program also includes mind techniques to deal with and confront everyday situations in such a way that we do not create more emotional baggage to carry. I will teach you the Tantric Way of Life as an art of living and the Way of the Spiritual Warrior as an outlook on life to help you experience your own everyday life as your greatest teacher – one in which every situation is an opportunity to evolve, grow and connect more deeply to your heart as your truest guide. Living in this way awakens us to our deepest self love and, ultimately, to the realization that love is our true nature.