Are you longing to experience more aliveness, vibrancy and joy?

I am here to support you on this magical journey!

Free up your life and discover your authentic Self by letting go of constrictive ideas and life goals that aren’t yours! I will assist you in stripping away layer after layer of what isn’t you, in empowering yourself and transforming your life into the glorious celebration of YOU that you deserve!

Throughout the journey of my own life, I have been blessed with a few phenomenal teachers and guides that have helped me to transform my lived experience from physical illness and emotional pain to pure joy, and given me the ability to trust in, and follow, my own intuition. I am forever grateful to these exceptional beings for helping me along the path and for teaching me to ultimately trust the wisdom and integrity of my own heart. With this gratitude I am now offering my support to you, to shine light onto the blockages you may be encountering in your own life journey so you may discover your true potential!

I am offering Life Coaching as either single sessions or as coaching packages, both in-person and online, in English or German.

Single sessions are great for finding a quick solution for a temporary situation you are encountering in your life, while a coaching package of multiple sessions is designed to dive deeper to the core of your life situation and transform it from the inside out.

In these consultations, which I call Sacred Conversations, we will assess your life situation, or a specific problem that you would like to address, together, and use its hidden message to show you how to connect deeper with yourself and your own wisdom.

The Tantric Art of Living doesn’t see difficult manifestations and situations as problems but rather as spiritual tests – and each of them provide an opportunity for us to grow and evolve! A guide or teacher with integrity will not try to take a difficult situation from you, but will assist you in seeing the inherent patterns, programs and messages that are manifest in such experiences and provide you tools to work with them. I may suggest certain practices to support you with the specific challenges that you are facing in your life right now and to access the deeper wisdom and teachings that are within them.

Additionally to the coaching sessions, I will offer you a selection of embodied and energetic methods in an integrated plan, designed especially for you to experience their healing power in your own body and support you in opening to and blossoming into your full potential, radiance and aliveness!

A coaching session in person can include an optional private cacao ceremony as well, as cacao is proven to be an exceptional medicine that gently assists in opening our heart center and in coming in contact with our deepest Self. For this, you will be offered a cup of pure organic ceremonial grade cacao, blessed with love, mantras and positive intentions, to support you in the gentle opening to your true essence.

This offering is a newly designed, transformational makeover which will create a fresher, healthier & more vibrant version of yourself! This package offers more than just Life Coaching – it includes energetic tools & creates embodied knowledge that you will be able to use for the rest of your life! We will use powerful cleansing & healing techniques to bring flow to stagnant energy in your body. You’ll be able to enjoy the bliss of full aliveness and weave new magic in your life! We will look at all aspects of your life and see where shifts and support are needed in order to create a clear vision of what your next steps look like! Everyone deserves to live fully, experience radiant health and heartfelt happiness. We will pave the way for you to rock your life!